Oberon Real-Time Kernel for Raspberry Pi's RP-series of microcontrollers.
Oberon RTK is a framework for writing embedded control programs in Oberon for the RP-series of micro-controllers of Raspberry Pi, using Astrobe’s cross-compiling IDEs.
RTK stands for “real-time kernel”, that is, an embedded multi-threading kernel to allow to divide, and program, the controller program as set of separate control processes.
Oberon RTK is designed to run dual-core, multi-threaded programs.
The use of the kernel is not mandatory for the Oberon RTK library/framework in general, which can be used to program any kind of application using one or two cores.
This site is targeted at programmers with a good understanding of the RP microcontrollers, as well as writing control software in general. Oh, and some sense of exploring. At least for now, there are no Getting Started instructions, and no tutorials.
There are examples, though. Also, the latest example program descriptions contain a good amount of conceptual material and design considerations, which are explored in the corresponding program itself, complemented by the descriptions section. And of course there’s the source code in the repository.
The modules in the GitHub repository are provided “as is”, with the assumption that the reader knows how to build and upload the software using the tools as outlined below.
This site may not be completely up-to-date, or complete, with respect to the modules in the repository. Refer to the latter for the actual details and specifics. As the saying goes: “Debug only code, don’t get suckered in by the comments.” Or by websites.
The RTK framework is being developed using the Astrobe series of compilers/linkers.
As of November 2024, Oberon RTK programs for the RP2040 can be compiled and linked using the current versions (v9.3) of:
As of November 2024, Oberon RTK programs for the RP2350 can be compiled and linked using the current versions (v9.3) of:
Astrobe for RP2350 is announced for Q4/2024.
Since the Cortex-M family of MCUs are upwards-compatible on instruction level, code generated with compilers/linkers for the RP2040 can basically be run on the RP2350. The RP2350 has a different address map layout, though, and a few conceptual and implementation changes here and there compared to the RP2040, so the programs need to be recompiled using the library modules written for the RP2350. Of course, code generated with a compiler/linker for the RP2040 cannot take advantage of the full instruction set of the RP2350.
Note that the support for Astrobe’s M0 and M4 compilers may be temporary for now, allowing to experiment until the Astrobe variants for both RPs are fully established.
Here’s how to configure Astrobe.
files, which can be transmogrified to UF2 and uploaded via USB using the tools described here.pioasm
assembler and made accessible from Oberon using pio2o
.The RTK modules depend on a few modules in the Astrobe library. Hence, you need to have a registered copy of one of the above IDEs. There may be free Starter Editions available.
CFB Software has kindly granted permission to ask and answer questions related to this framework on the Astrobe forum. You can also e-mail me, or use the GitHub issue functionality.
Latest updates and changes: 2024-11-03.
Check out the Change Notes for all updates and changes.
+ changes: change notes
+ config: configuration files for Astrobe [a]
+ v1: Oberon RTK version 1, for Astrobe for Cortex-M0
+ v2: Oberon RTK version 2, for Astrobe for RP2040, Cortex-M0, and Cortex-M4
+ examples
+ pico: example programs for Oberon RTK v1, for Pico
+ v2: example programs for Oberon RTK v2, for Pico and Pico2
+ pico
+ pico2
+ lib: Oberon RTK framework library version 1
+ any: MCU/board-independent modules
+ board
+ rp2040: modules for RP2040-based boards
+ any: any board
+ pico: Pico or compatible
+ mcu
+ m0
+ rp2040: MCU-specific modules
+ kernel-v1
+ kernel-v2
+ libv2: Oberon RTK framework library version 2
+ any: MCU/board-independent modules
+ board
+ rpi
+ any: any Raspberry Pi board
+ pico: Pico or compatible
+ pico2: Pico2 or compatible
+ mcu
+ rpi
+ any: any Raspberry Pi MCU
+ rp2040: MCU-specific modules
+ rp2350: MCU-specific modules
+ tools: the tools [b]
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On narrow mobile phone screens, the main menu itself is a drop-down, with no secondary drop-down from there. This would be awkward. Navigate via the overview pages in this case.
Please refer to section Licences.